Koihime musou episode 12 full#
Cast Full of Gay: Due to an Improbably Female Cast, there's several confirmed lesbians such as Sousou and her harem or Sonsaku's relationship with Shuuyu.Broke Episode: Episode three of season one.Anyone who've seen the first episode of season one will likely remember Kan'u falling for it in fact, she cements this trope by sneezing herself. Brick Joke: Played very straight in episode 8 of Otome Tairan: Chouhi develops her double trap again as a way to catch Moukaku.The real Ryuubi, wearing a different outfit and wielding the real magical sword, suddenly appears from behind Ukitsu after jumping out of the giant "bento" box Chouhi was carrying, and before he can escape, Choukaku grabs his feet causing him to fall on his back, and Ryuubi hurls her sword at him, impaling him. But when he takes off her mask, it's actually Choukaku posing as Ryuubi, wearing Ryuubi's outfit and wielding a false sword. Body Double: In the final attack against Ukitsu, Ryuubi wearing a green version of Kaichou Kamen's mask tries to stab him, but he knocks her down with a magic spell, leaving her dangling on the ledge of his mobile base.Kada when Sousou threatens to cut off his head in the Shin Koihime finale.Kan'u and Chouhi after they found out the monster that caused them to faint was merely a puppet.Bloodless Carnage: Not a single character ever comes out bleeding from the fights.They're so close it's easy to forget they're not blood related. Blood Brothers: In relation to the brotherly bond between Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and their master Liu Bei, Kan'u, Chouhi and later Ryuubi form a pact of sisterhood.Bleached Underpants: Sort of: there's no actual sex, but dear god, they try to get as close to it as possible.Big, Thin, Short Trio: The nameless recurring mooks.
Koihime musou episode 12 pro#
Big Eater: Chouhi and Bachou, but Kyocho outperforms both because she's a freaking pro at eating contests.Big Damn Heroes: Chouun's re-entry in episode 7, everyone's in episode 12 of season one.
Koihime musou episode 12 series#
A phoenix was shown in season one's opening it has never appeared in the series at all.The opening to season one reveals a person obscured by a snow storm.Bait-and-Switch: Otome Tairan begins with General Kashin being fed what appears to be poison turns out it can make a person look like a Cat Girl.Back-to-Back Badasses: Kan'u and Chouhi in the season one opening, Kan'u and Chouun, Chouhi and Bachou, Batai and Gien in the Otome Tairan opening.Animal Motifs: Bachou's a horse, Chouhi is compared to either a tiger or a pig, and Chouun to a butterfly.Tropes in relation to multiple characters or the franchise: